Your Results

Understand Your Results
There are multiple stages of maturity within an organization’s data journey, each of which presents opportunities for you to continue to build your data practice. Below are the five archetypes within a data maturity journey.
Data Curious
You’ve begun your data journey. You’re ready to lay a strong foundation so you can continue to learn and evolve to deliver impact.
Data Informed
Your organization has begun to harness the power of data for impact. You’re continuing to develop and refine your efforts so your emerging data practice can flourish
Data Guided
Your organization uses data effectively to deliver impact and achieve your mission. You’re ready to sharpen your practice so your growth can continue.
Data Driven
Your data practice is well established, with clearly observed and reported impact. Continue optimizing and measuring so you can scale results.
Data Led
Your data practice is well-developed and strong. You’re ready to build on these strengths, and continue to harness the power of data to deliver impact.
In addition to providing a snapshot of data maturity, we matched your assessment results to materials in our Resource Library. These customized recommendations provide informative and actionable next steps for your organization to consider. While we include resources from a range of social and private sector organizations, we remain agnostic on software and methodologies. If you have feedback on recommended resources – or ideas for resources to include, please contact us.

Act On Your Results
- Review your recommended resources. These have been personalized to your responses and should provide relevant and actionable information to carry your practice forward. If you have feedback on recommended resources – or ideas for resources to include, please contact us.
- Share your assessment results with those stakeholders and community members who are invested in bringing your organization forward. We hope this will be a useful tool that provides context for board members and team members.
- Check out impact stories. As continues to learn more about how social impact sector organizations are advancing in their use of data, often the answer is that they learn from one another! Where we have examples of organizations who are tackling (or have overcome) data challenge.
- Share the assessment with colleagues in other organizations, and encourage them to complete it. How do their results compare?
- Take the data maturity assessment again in 3-6 months to learn how your organization has progressed on its data journey.