Samuel V. Scarpino, Ph.D. is the Director of AI + Life Sciences and a Professor of the Practice in Health Sciences and Computer Science at Northeastern University. He also holds appointments in the Institute for Experiential AI and the Network Science, Global Resilience, and Roux Institutes. Prior to joining Northeastern, he was the Vice President of Pathogen Surveillance at The Rockefeller Foundation. Outside of Northeastern, he is an External Professor at both the Santa Fe Institute and the Vermont Complex Systems Center and a Co-Founder of Scarpino has 10+ years of experience translating research into decision support and data science/ML tools across diverse sectors from public health and clinical medicine to real estate and energy. From 2017 to 2020, he was Chief Strategy Officer and head of data science at Dharma Platform–a social impact–technology startup. Scarpino has nearly 100 publications in academic journals and books. His expert commentaries on science and technology have appeared in publications such as: Nature, Science, PNAS, and Nature Physics. His research has been covered by the New York Times, Wired, the Boston Globe, NPR, VICE News, National Geographic, and numerous other venues.