andi suraidah

Andi Suraidah

Founding Director and partner

Legal Dignity

Andi Suraidah is the Founding Director and Partner of Legal Dignity, a queer-affirming initiative dedicated to advocating for meaningful access to justice for LGBTIQ+ persons in Malaysia. With a deep commitment to ensuring dignity and fairness for all, Andi has spearheaded initiatives that have positive impacts on the lives of marginalized communities.

Andi has a keen interest in the intersection of law, SOGIESC, and religion and its impact on different vulnerable groups, with nearly a decade of activism experience. Her commitment to justice and equality has compelled her to confront institutional hurdles and advocate for significant change.

Legal Dignity continues to make great advances at the national, regional, and international stages under Andi’s leadership, within three years of its inception. Andi believes that advancing LGBTIQ+ people’s access to justice and enhanced protection through her work can be done with strategic collaborations, policy advocacy, and community engagement. Her passion lies in promoting cross-sectoral collaboration and driving systemic change to bring about social justice and equality.

With her visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to Legal Dignity, Andi hopes to inspire others and pave the way for emerging leaders to step forward.