Why should we care about the intersection of gender and climate data? What does better data help us know and do?

Answered on: March 28, 2024
Answered by:
ivana-feldfeber Ivana Feldfeber Co-founder and Executive Directress DataGénero

Gender and climate data is essential for understanding how climate risks and vulnerabilities affect women and LGBTIQ+ people differently. To monitor SDG 5, 52 percent of the data needed is missing. How can we measure true progress without the numbers? Exploring this landscape and providing potential strategies for improving data collection and analysis is at the center of our Gender Data x Climate Playbook. It can also help us design effective policies to bridge this gap and empower these communities. Having better data on climate and gender will help us promote gender equality by maximizing resource allocation and strategic program design. To effectively build sustainable solutions, we need to know the depth of the problems. The right data will help us stay on track.

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