Gender Data 101 is a course featuring live events with gender and data experts. The course begins with establishing a foundation of gender and data and ends with actionable steps to employ gender data to create impactful programs. The course delves into best practices, methodologies, and tools to utilize when working with gender data. Additionally, Gender Data 101 engages learners to limit biases, close gender gaps, and incorporate intersectional thinking throughout each step of the gender data lifecycle.
Please note that this course was taught in February 2023 and some materials might refer to that time.
- Define best practices needed for gender data at all stages of the data life cycle: collection, processing, analysis, visualization, uptake, and impact.
- Identify the multiple forms of systemic discrimination that affect the overall efficacy of gender data.
- Evaluate the limitations of the gender binary and how it may affect the phases of the gender data lifecycle.
- Create action-oriented strategies and an intersectional approach to combat gender data inequities and biases.
Module 1: Fundamentals of Gender Data
This module establishes a foundation for understanding both gender and data. It covers the difference between sex and gender, introduces data basics like data lifecycles, and explores how language shapes our perception.
- Foundational Knowledge: You’ll gain a strong understanding of core concepts in gender and data, including the difference between sex and gender, and the importance of sex-disaggregated data.
- Critical Data Analysis: Learn how to analyze data with a gender lens, identifying and mitigating biases throughout the data lifecycle (collection, cleaning, analysis, visualization).
- Actionable Strategies: Develop skills to use gender data effectively. This includes designing programs that promote gender equality and using data to advocate for change.
Hope Lydia Ndagire
Hope Lydia Ndagire, Co-Founder and Executive Director Resilient Women’s Organization, a locally registered Ugandan CBO, joins us to speak about gender data and the Sustainable Development Goals. RWO empowers women and girls to break the cycle of illiteracy and poverty in their lives, families, and community. In this presentation, Ndagire will detail her organization’s impact and her recent work in Survivor-centered and community-led initiatives to end Gender-Based Violence.
Module 2: Gender Data Collection and Processing
Module 3: Gender Data Analysis
This module explores common challenges, frameworks to guide your analysis, and real-world examples. The course revisits the case study to help Dr. Lopez and Rumy with their next analysis steps. Interactive activities include analyzing a sample dataset, planning for COVID-19 data analysis, and reflecting on your learning journey so far.
- Overcome Common Challenges: Gain knowledge about the typical challenges encountered during gender data analysis. This might include issues with data quality, representation, or access, and how to address them.
- Apply Analysis to Real-World Scenarios: Learn to apply gender data analysis techniques to a specific case study or real-world situation, such as the provided COVID-19 data analysis activity. This will allow you to practice your skills and see the practical applications of gender data analysis.
Module 4: Gender Data Visualization
Module 5: Gender Data Uptake and Impact
Gender Data Case Study
Provided by DataBit
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