In Fall 2022, I had the opportunity to attend the Data Science Career Fair at NC State University as both a job seeker and as a representative of the Data Science Academy talking to students about data science internships for social impact.
The Data Science Career Fair was a fantastic opportunity to go as a job seeker. It had numerous companies that were hiring for data science jobs from a wide variety of industries from healthcare to finance to energy. After arriving, I made a quick round around the room to decide which companies I would like to speak to while I was there. When I had time between talking to other students, I would go to a booth of one of the companies and introduce myself to give them my resume. I was able to meet with every company that I had wanted to and learn of any job openings that they had at the time.
My experience talking to students about data science internships for social impact was also great. I got to share information with students about a new class on data science internships for social impact. Many students were interested in learning more as they never really thought about data science for social impact. When they had expressed interest in learning more about these types of internships I would then also share about my DSSI internship experience.