Empowering Action: Lessons from India’s Data Capacity Accelerator for Climate and Health


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Role: Learning Coordinator
Current Organisation: Ashoka University
Graduated from: AshokaX

With a bachelor’s degree in statistics, I began my career at American Express as a business analyst, managing a global client portfolio and leveraging data for business insights. However, my desire to create meaningful change led me to transition into the social sector. As a Chief Minister’s Good Governance Associate (CMGGA), I worked closely with the Gurugram district administration on initiatives spanning education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation. Later, as a fellow with the International Innovation Corps (IIC) of The University of Chicago Trust, I worked on implementing the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) micro-site model in Chandigarh. This role deepened my understanding of the complexities of data in the health sector and underscored the need to build stronger data skills as a social sector professional.

The realisation that I needed to better harness the power of data for social impact led me to enroll in Ashoka University’s Professional & Executive Development Programme (PEDP) in Data Science for Social Impact. The programme proved transformative, equipping me with critical skills like data visualisation, geospatial analytics, and data-driven decision-making. These learnings directly enhanced my ability to design informed strategies for improving healthcare digitisation during my work at IIC.

The opportunity to join the PEDP programme was made possible by a full scholarship from AshokaX, for which I am deeply grateful. This support allowed me to access a transformative learning experience that not only helped me grow professionally but also inspired me to mentor others as a Learning Coordinator in the second cohort of the programme, which is my current focus. Supporting learners through the rigorous curriculum has been a deeply rewarding experience, solidifying my

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